
The following sections describe the available objects in the mz_internal schema.

WARNING! The objects in the mz_internal schema are not part of Materialize’s stable interface. Backwards-incompatible changes to these tables may be made at any time.
WARNING! SELECT statements may reference these objects, but creating views that reference these objects is not allowed.

System relations


PREVIEW This feature is in public preview. It is under active development and may have stability or performance issues. It isn't subject to our backwards compatibility guarantees.
WARNING! Do not rely on all statements being logged in this view. Materialize controls the maximum rate at which statements are sampled, and may change this rate at any time.
WARNING! Entries in this view may be cleared on restart (e.g., during Materialize maintenance windows).

The mz_recent_activity_log view contains a log of the SQL statements that have been issued to Materialize in the last three days, along with various metadata about them.

Entries in this log may be sampled. The sampling rate is controlled by the configuration parameter statement_logging_sample_rate, which may be set to any value between 0 and 1. For example, to disable statement logging entirely for a session, execute SET statement_logging_sample_rate TO 0. Materialize may apply a lower sampling rate than the one set in this parameter.

The view can be accessed by Materialize superusers or users that have been granted the mz_monitor role.

Field Type Meaning
execution_id uuid An ID that is unique for each executed statement.
sample_rate double precision The actual rate at which the statement was sampled.
cluster_id text The ID of the cluster the statement execution was directed to. Corresponds to
application_name text The value of the application_name configuration parameter at execution time.
cluster_name text The name of the cluster with ID cluster_id at execution time.
transaction_isolation text The value of the transaction_isolation configuration parameter at execution time.
execution_timestamp uint8 The logical timestamp at which execution was scheduled.
transient_index_id text The internal index of the compute dataflow created for the query, if any.
params text array The parameters with which the statement was executed.
mz_version text The version of Materialize that was running when the statement was executed.
began_at timestamp with time zone The wall-clock time at which the statement began executing.
finished_at timestamp with time zone The wall-clock time at which the statement finished executing.
finished_status text The final status of the statement (e.g., success, canceled, error, or aborted). aborted means that Materialize exited before the statement finished executing.
error_message text The error message, if the statement failed.
rows_returned bigint The number of rows returned, for statements that return rows.
execution_strategy text For SELECT queries, the strategy for executing the query. constant means computed in the control plane without the involvement of a cluster, fast-path means read by a cluster directly from an in-memory index, and standard means computed by a temporary dataflow.
transaction_id uint8 The ID of the transaction that the statement was part of. Note that transaction IDs are only unique per session.
prepared_statement_id uuid An ID that is unique for each prepared statement. For example, if a statement is prepared once and then executed multiple times, all executions will have the same value for this column (but different values for execution_id).
sql_hash [bytea] An opaque value uniquely identifying the text of the query.
prepared_statement_name text The name given by the client library to the prepared statement.
session_id uuid An ID that is unique for each session.
prepared_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the statement was prepared.
statement_type text The type of the statement, e.g. select for a SELECT query, or NULL if the statement was empty.
throttled_count uint8 The number of statements that were dropped due to throttling before the current one was seen. If you have a very high volume of queries and need to log them without throttling, contact our team.
initial_application_name text The initial value of application_name at the beginning of the session.
authenticated_user text The name of the user for which the session was established.
sql text The SQL text of the statement.


The mz_aws_connections table contains a row for each AWS connection in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the connection.
endpoint text The value of the ENDPOINT option, if set.
region text The value of the REGION option, if set.
access_key_id text The value of the ACCESS KEY ID option, if provided in line.
access_key_id_secret_id text The ID of the secret referenced by the ACCESS KEY ID option, if provided via a secret.
secret_access_key_secret_id text The ID of the secret referenced by the SECRET ACCESS KEY option, if set.
session_token text The value of the SESSION TOKEN option, if provided in line.
session_token_secret_id text The ID of the secret referenced by the SESSION TOKEN option, if provided via a secret.
assume_role_arn text The value of the ASSUME ROLE ARN option, if set.
assume_role_session_name text The value of the ASSUME ROLE SESSION NAME option, if set.
principal text The ARN of the AWS principal Materialize will use when assuming the provided role, if the connection is configured to use role assumption.
external_id text The external ID Materialize will use when assuming the provided role, if the connection is configured to use role assumption.
example_trust_policy jsonb An example of an IAM role trust policy that allows this connection’s principal and external ID to assume the role.

The mz_aws_privatelink_connection_status_history table contains a row describing the historical status for each AWS PrivateLink connection in the system.

Field Type Meaning
occurred_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the status change.
connection_id text The unique identifier of the AWS PrivateLink connection. Corresponds to
status text The status of the connection: one of pending-service-discovery, creating-endpoint, recreating-endpoint, updating-endpoint, available, deleted, deleting, expired, failed, pending, pending-acceptance, rejected, or unknown.

The mz_aws_privatelink_connection_statuses table contains a row describing the most recent status for each AWS PrivateLink connection in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the connection. Corresponds to
name text The name of the connection.
last_status_change_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the connection status change.
status text


The mz_cluster_schedules table shows the SCHEDULE option specified for each cluster.

Field Type Meaning
cluster_id text The ID of the cluster. Corresponds to
type text on-refresh, or manual (the default)
refresh_rehydration_time_estimate interval The interval given in the REHYDRATION TIME ESTIMATE option.


The mz_cluster_replica_frontiers table describes the per-replica frontiers of sources, sinks, materialized views, indexes, and subscriptions in the system, as observed from the coordinator.

mz_compute_frontiers is similar to mz_cluster_replica_frontiers, but mz_compute_frontiers reports the frontiers known to the active compute replica, while mz_cluster_replica_frontiers reports the frontiers of all replicas. Note also that mz_compute_frontiers is restricted to compute objects (indexes, materialized views, and subscriptions) while mz_cluster_replica_frontiers contains storage objects that are installed on replicas (sources, sinks) as well.

At this time, we do not make any guarantees about the freshness of these numbers.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of the source, sink, index, materialized view, or subscription.
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
write_frontier mz_timestamp The next timestamp at which the output may change.


The mz_cluster_replica_metrics table gives the last known CPU and RAM utilization statistics for all processes of all extant cluster replicas.

At this time, we do not make any guarantees about the exactness or freshness of these numbers.

Field Type Meaning
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
process_id uint8 An identifier of a compute process within a replica.
cpu_nano_cores uint8 Approximate CPU usage, in billionths of a vCPU core.
memory_bytes uint8 Approximate RAM usage, in bytes.
disk_bytes uint8 Approximate disk usage in bytes.


The mz_cluster_replica_sizes table contains a mapping of logical sizes (e.g. 100cc) to physical sizes (number of processes, and CPU and memory allocations per process).

WARNING! The values in this table may change at any time. You should not rely on them for any kind of capacity planning.
Field Type Meaning
size text The human-readable replica size.
processes uint8 The number of processes in the replica.
workers uint8 The number of Timely Dataflow workers per process.
cpu_nano_cores uint8 The CPU allocation per process, in billionths of a vCPU core.
memory_bytes uint8 The RAM allocation per process, in billionths of a vCPU core.
disk_bytes uint8 The disk allocation per process.
credits_per_hour numeric The number of compute credits consumed per hour.


The mz_cluster_replica_statuses table contains a row describing the status of each process in each cluster replica in the system.

Field Type Meaning
replica_id text Materialize’s unique ID for the cluster replica.
process_id uint8 The ID of the process within the cluster replica.
status text The status of the cluster replica: ready or not-ready.
reason text If the cluster replica is in a not-ready state, the reason (if available). For example, oom-killed.
updated_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the status was last updated.


The mz_cluster_replica_utilization view gives the last known CPU and RAM utilization statistics for all processes of all extant cluster replicas, as a percentage of the total resource allocation.

At this time, we do not make any guarantees about the exactness or freshness of these numbers.

Field Type Meaning
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
process_id uint8 An identifier of a compute process within a replica.
cpu_percent double precision Approximate CPU usage in percent of the total allocation.
memory_percent double precision Approximate RAM usage in percent of the total allocation.
disk_percent double precision Approximate disk usage in percent of the total allocation.


The mz_cluster_replica_heartbeats table gives the last known heartbeat of all extant cluster replicas.

Field Type Meaning
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
last_heartbeat timestamp with time zone The time of the replica’s last heartbeat.


The mz_cluster_replica_history view contains information about the timespan of each replica, including the times at which it was created and dropped (if applicable).

Field Type Meaning
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
size text The size of the cluster replica. Corresponds to mz_cluster_replica_sizes.size.
cluster_name text The name of the cluster associated with the replica.
replica_name text The name of the replica.
created_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the replica was created.
dropped_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the replica was dropped, or NULL if it still exists.
credits_per_hour numeric The number of compute credits consumed per hour. Corresponds to mz_cluster_replica_sizes.credits_per_hour.


The mz_internal_cluster_replicas table lists the replicas that are created and maintained by Materialize support.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of a cluster replica. Corresponds to


The mz_comments table stores optional comments (descriptions) for objects in the database.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the object. Corresponds to
object_type text The type of object the comment is associated with.
object_sub_id [integer] For a comment on a column of a relation, this is the column number. For all other object types this column is NULL.
comment text The comment itself.


The mz_compute_dependencies table describes the dependency structure between each compute object (index, materialized view, or subscription) and the sources of its data.

In contrast to mz_object_dependencies, this table only lists dependencies in the compute layer. SQL objects that don’t exist in the compute layer (such as views) are omitted.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of a compute object. Corresponds to,, or mz_internal.mz_subscriptions.
dependency_id text The ID of a compute dependency. Corresponds to,,, or


The mz_compute_hydration_statuses table describes the per-replica hydration status of each compute object (index, materialized view, or subscription).

A compute object is hydrated on a given replica when it has fully processed the initial snapshot of data available in its inputs.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of a compute object. Corresponds to,, or mz_internal.mz_subscriptions.
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
hydrated boolean Whether the compute object is hydrated on the replica.


The mz_compute_operator_hydration_statuses table describes the dataflow operator hydration status of compute objects (indexes or materialized views).

A dataflow operator is hydrated on a given replica when it has fully processed the initial snapshot of data available in its inputs.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of a compute object. Corresponds to or
physical_plan_node_id uint8 The ID of a node in the physical plan of the compute object. Corresponds to a node_id displayed in the output of EXPLAIN PHYSICAL PLAN WITH (node identifiers).
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
hydrated boolean Whether the node is hydrated on the replica.


The mz_frontiers table describes the frontiers of each source, sink, table, materialized view, index, and subscription in the system, as observed from the coordinator.

At this time, we do not make any guarantees about the freshness of these numbers.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of the source, sink, table, index, materialized view, or subscription.
read_frontier mz_timestamp The earliest timestamp at which the output is still readable.
write_frontier mz_timestamp The next timestamp at which the output may change.


The mz_history_retention_strategies table describes the history retention strategies of objects that have compaction windows (tables, sources, indexes, materialized views).

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the object.
strategy text The strategy. FOR is the only strategy, and means the object’s compaction window is the duration of the value field.
value [jsonb] The value of the strategy. For FOR, is a number of milliseconds.


The mz_hydration_statuses view describes the per-replica hydration status of each object powered by a dataflow.

A dataflow-powered object is hydrated on a given replica when the respective dataflow has fully processed the initial snapshot of data available in its inputs.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of a dataflow-powered object. Corresponds to,, mz_internal.mz_subscriptions,, or
replica_id text The ID of a cluster replica.
hydrated boolean Whether the object is hydrated on the replica.


The mz_kafka_sources table contains a row for each Kafka source in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the Kafka source. Corresponds to
group_id_prefix text The value of the GROUP ID PREFIX connection option.
topic text The name of the Kafka topic the source is reading from.


The mz_materialization_lag view describes the difference between the input frontiers and the output frontier for each materialized view, index, and sink in the system. For hydrated dataflows, this lag roughly corresponds to the time it takes for updates at the inputs to be reflected in the output.

At this time, we do not make any guarantees about the freshness of these numbers.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of the materialized view, index, or sink.
local_lag interval The amount of time the materialization lags behind its direct inputs.
global_lag interval The amount of time the materialization lags behind its root inputs (sources and tables).
slowest_local_input_id text The ID of the slowest direct input.
slowest_global_input_id text The ID of the slowest root input.


The mz_materialized_view_refresh_strategies table shows each REFRESH option specified for each materialized view. If a materialized view has multiple REFRESH options, then this table will contain a row for each refresh option.

Field Type Meaning
materialized_view_id text The ID of the materialized view. Corresponds to
type text at, every, or on-commit (the default)
interval interval The refresh interval of a REFRESH EVERY option, or null if the type is not every.
aligned_to timestamp with time zone The ALIGNED TO option of a REFRESH EVERY option, or null if the type is not every.
at timestamp with time zone The time of a REFRESH AT, or null if the type is not at.


The mz_object_dependencies table describes the dependency structure between all database objects in the system.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of the dependent object. Corresponds to
referenced_object_id text The ID of the referenced object. Corresponds to


The mz_object_fully_qualified_names view enriches the mz_catalog.mz_objects view with namespace information.

Field Type Meaning
id text Materialize’s unique ID for the object.
name text The name of the object.
object_type text The type of the object: one of table, source, view, materialized view, sink, index, connection, secret, type, or function.
schema_name text The name of the schema to which the object belongs. Corresponds to
database_name text The name of the database to which the object belongs. Corresponds to


The mz_object_lifetimes view enriches the mz_catalog.mz_objects view with information about the last lifetime event that occurred for each object in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text Materialize’s unique ID for the object.
previous_id text The object’s previous ID, if one exists.
object_type text The type of the object: one of table, source, view, materialized view, sink, index, connection, secret, type, or function.
event_type text The lifetime event, either create or drop.
occurred_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of when the event occurred.


The mz_object_transitive_dependencies view describes the transitive dependency structure between all database objects in the system. The view is defined as the transitive closure of mz_object_dependencies.

Field Type Meaning
object_id text The ID of the dependent object. Corresponds to
referenced_object_id text The ID of the (possibly transitively) referenced object. Corresponds to


PREVIEW This feature is in public preview. It is under active development and may have stability or performance issues. It isn't subject to our backwards compatibility guarantees.

The mz_notices view contains a list of currently active notices emitted by the system. The view can be accessed by Materialize superusers.

Field Type Meaning
id text Materialize’s unique ID for this notice.
notice_type text The notice type.
message text A brief description of the issue highlighted by this notice.
hint text A high-level hint that tells the user what can be improved.
action text A concrete action that will resolve the notice.
redacted_message text A redacted version of the message column. NULL if no redaction is needed.
redacted_hint text A redacted version of the hint column. NULL if no redaction is needed.
redacted_action text A redacted version of the action column. NULL if no redaction is needed.
action_type text The type of the action string (sql_statements for a valid SQL string or plain_text for plain text).
object_id text The ID of the materialized view or index. Corresponds to For global notices, this column is NULL.
created_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the notice was created. Note that some notices are re-created on environmentd restart.


PREVIEW This feature is in public preview. It is under active development and may have stability or performance issues. It isn't subject to our backwards compatibility guarantees.

The mz_notices_redacted view contains a redacted list of currently active optimizer notices emitted by the system. The view can be accessed by Materialize superusers and Materialize support.

Field Type Meaning
id text Materialize’s unique ID for this notice.
notice_type text The notice type.
message text A redacted brief description of the issue highlighted by this notice.
hint text A redacted high-level hint that tells the user what can be improved.
action text A redacted concrete action that will resolve the notice.
action_type text The type of the action string (sql_statements for a valid SQL string or plain_text for plain text).
object_id text The ID of the materialized view or index. Corresponds to For global notices, this column is NULL.
created_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the notice was created. Note that some notices are re-created on environmentd restart.


The mz_postgres_sources table contains a row for each PostgreSQL source in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
replication_slot text The name of the replication slot in the PostgreSQL database that Materialize will create and stream data from.
timeline_id uint8 The PostgreSQL timeline ID determined on source creation.


The mz_postgres_source_tables table contains a row for each PostgreSQL table ingested by a subsource.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
schema_name text The ingested upstream table’s schema name.
table_name text The ingested upstream table’s name.


The mz_mysql_source_tables table contains a row for each MySQL table ingested by a subsource.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
schema_name text The ingested upstream table’s schema name. This is also sometimes referred to as the upstream table’s database name.
table_name text The ingested upstream table’s name.


The mz_sessions table contains a row for each active session in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id uint4 The ID of the session.
role_id text The role ID of the role that the session is logged in as. Corresponds to mz_catalog.mz_roles.
connected_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the session connected to the system.


The mz_show_all_privileges view contains a row for each privilege granted in the system on user objects to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the object.
schema text The name of the schema containing the object.
name text The name of the privilege target.
object_type text The type of object the privilege is granted on.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_cluster_privileges view contains a row for each cluster privilege granted in the system on user clusters to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
name text The name of the cluster.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_database_privileges view contains a row for each database privilege granted in the system on user databases to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
name text The name of the database.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_default_privileges view contains a row for each default privilege granted in the system in user databases and schemas to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
object_owner text Privileges described in this row will be granted on objects created by object_owner.
database text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects created in database if non-null.
schema text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects created in schema if non-null.
object_type text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects of type object_type.
grantee text Privileges described in this row will be granted to grantee.
privilege_type text They type of privilege to be granted.


The mz_show_object_privileges view contains a row for each object privilege granted in the system on user objects to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the object.
schema text The name of the schema containing the object.
name text The name of the object.
object_type text The type of object the privilege is granted on.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_role_members view contains a row for each role membership in the system.

Field Type Meaning
role text The role that member is a member of.
member text The role that is a member of role.
grantor text The role that granted membership of member to role.


The mz_show_schema_privileges view contains a row for each schema privilege granted in the system on user schemas to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the schema.
name text The name of the schema.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_system_privileges view contains a row for each system privilege granted in the system on to user roles.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_all_my_privileges view is the same as mz_show_all_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the object.
schema text The name of the schema containing the object.
name text The name of the privilege target.
object_type text The type of object the privilege is granted on.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_my_cluster_privileges view is the same as mz_show_cluster_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
name text The name of the cluster.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_my_database_privileges view is the same as mz_show_database_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
name text The name of the cluster.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_my_default_privileges view is the same as mz_show_default_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
object_owner text Privileges described in this row will be granted on objects created by object_owner.
database text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects created in database if non-null.
schema text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects created in schema if non-null.
object_type text Privileges described in this row will be granted only on objects of type object_type.
grantee text Privileges described in this row will be granted to grantee.
privilege_type text They type of privilege to be granted.


The mz_show_my_object_privileges view is the same as mz_show_object_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the object.
schema text The name of the schema containing the object.
name text The name of the object.
object_type text The type of object the privilege is granted on.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_my_role_members view is the same as mz_show_role_members, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of member.

Field Type Meaning
role text The role that member is a member of.
member text The role that is a member of role.
grantor text The role that granted membership of member to role.


The mz_show_my_schema_privileges view is the same as mz_show_schema_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
database text The name of the database containing the schema.
name text The name of the schema.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_show_my_system_privileges view is the same as mz_show_system_privileges, but only includes rows where the current role is a direct or indirect member of grantee.

Field Type Meaning
grantor text The role that granted the privilege.
grantee text The role that the privilege was granted to.
privilege_type text They type of privilege granted.


The mz_sink_statistics view contains statistics about each sink.


messages_staged, messages_committed, bytes_staged, and bytes_committed are all counters that monotonically increase. They are only useful for calculating rates to understand the general performance of your sink.

Note that:

  • The non-rate values themselves are not directly comparable, because they are collected and aggregated across multiple threads/processes.
Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the sink. Corresponds to
messages_staged uint8 The number of messages staged but possibly not committed to the sink.
messages_committed uint8 The number of messages committed to the sink.
bytes_staged uint8 The number of bytes staged but possibly not committed to the sink. This counts both keys and values, if applicable.
bytes_committed uint8 The number of bytes committed to the sink. This counts both keys and values, if applicable.


The mz_sink_statuses view provides the current state for each sink in the system, including potential error messages and additional metadata helpful for debugging.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the sink. Corresponds to
name text The name of the sink.
type text The type of the sink.
last_status_change_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the sink status change.
status text The status of the sink: one of created, starting, running, stalled, failed, or dropped.
error text If the sink is in an error state, the error message.
details jsonb Additional metadata provided by the sink. In case of error, may contain a hint field with helpful suggestions.


The mz_sink_status_history table contains rows describing the history of changes to the status of each sink in the system, including potential error messages and additional metadata helpful for debugging.

Field Type Meaning
occurred_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the sink status change.
sink_id text The ID of the sink. Corresponds to
status text The status of the sink: one of created, starting, running, stalled, failed, or dropped.
error text If the sink is in an error state, the error message.
details jsonb Additional metadata provided by the sink. In case of error, may contain a hint field with helpful suggestions.


The mz_source_statistics view contains statistics about each source.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
messages_received uint8 The number of messages the worker has received from the external system. Messages are counted in a source type-specific manner. Messages do not correspond directly to updates: some messages produce multiple updates, while other messages may be coalesced into a single update.
bytes_received uint8 The number of bytes the worker has read from the external system. Bytes are counted in a source type-specific manner and may or may not include protocol overhead.
updates_staged uint8 The number of updates (insertions plus deletions) the worker has written but not yet committed to the storage layer.
updates_committed uint8 The number of updates (insertions plus deletions) the worker has committed to the storage layer.
records_indexed uint8 The number of individual records indexed in the source envelope state.
bytes_indexed uint8 The number of bytes indexed in the source envelope state.
rehydration_latency interval The amount of time it took for the worker to rehydrate the source envelope state.
snapshot_records_known uint8 The size of the source’s snapshot. See above for its unit.
snapshot_records_staged uint8 The amount of the source’s snapshot Materialize has read. See above for its unit.
snapshot_committed boolean Whether the worker has committed the initial snapshot for a source.
offset_known uint8 The offset of the most recent data in the source’s upstream service that Materialize knows about. See above for its unit.
offset_committed uint8 The offset of the source’s upstream service Materialize has fully committed. See above for its unit.


messages_received, messages_staged, updates_staged, and updates_committed are all counters that monotonically increase. They are only useful for calculating rates, to understand the general performance of your source.

Note that:

  • For Postgres and MySQL sources, currently, the former 2 are collected on the top-level source, and the latter 2 on the source’s tables.
  • The non-rate values themselves are not directly comparable, because they are collected and aggregated across multiple threads/processes.

Resetting gauges

Resetting Gauges generally increase, but can periodically be reset to 0 or other numbers.

Indexed records

records_indexed and bytes_indexed are the size (in records and bytes respectively) of the data the given source indexes. Currently, this is only UPSERT and DEBEZIUM sources. These reset to 0 when sources are restarted and must re-index their data.

Rehydration latency

rehydration_latency is reset to NULL when sources are restarted, and is populated with a duration after rehydration finishes. This is typically the time it takes UPSERT and DEBEZIUM sources to re-index their data.

Snapshot progress

When a source is first created, it must process and initial snapshot of data. snapshot_records_known is the full size of that snapshot, and snapshot_records_staged is how much of that snapshot the source has read so far.

The size of the snapshot has a source-defined unit:

  • For Kafka sources, its the total number of offsets in the snapshot.
  • For Postgres and MySQL sources, its the number of rows in the snapshot.

Note that when tables are added to Postgres or MySQL sources, this statistics will reset as we snapshot those new tables.


Gauges never decrease/reset.

Snapshot Completion snapshot_committed becomes true when we have fully committed the snapshot for the given source.

Steady-state progress

offset_known and offset_committed are used to represent the progress a source is making, in comparison to its upstream source. They are designed to be turned into rates, and compared.

offset_known is the maximum offset of upstream data knows about. offset_committed is the offset that Materialize has committed data up to.

These statistics have a source-defined unit:

  • For Kafka sources, its the number of offsets.
  • For MySQL sources, its the number of transactions.
  • For Postgres sources, its the number of bytes in its replication stream.


The mz_source_statuses view provides the current state for each source in the system, including potential error messages and additional metadata helpful for debugging.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
name text The name of the source.
type text The type of the source.
last_status_change_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the source status change.
status text The status of the source: one of created, starting, running, stalled, failed, or dropped.
error text If the source is in an error state, the error message.
details jsonb Additional metadata provided by the source. In case of error, may contain a hint field with helpful suggestions.


The mz_source_status_history table contains a row describing the status of the historical state for each source in the system, including potential error messages and additional metadata helpful for debugging.

Field Type Meaning
occurred_at timestamp with time zone Wall-clock timestamp of the source status change.
source_id text The ID of the source. Corresponds to
status text The status of the source: one of created, starting, running, stalled, failed, or dropped.
error text If the source is in an error state, the error message.
details jsonb Additional metadata provided by the source. In case of error, may contain a hint field with helpful suggestions.


Field Type Meaning
statement_id uuid The ID of the execution event. Corresponds to mz_recent_activity_log.execution_id
event_type text The type of lifecycle event, e.g. 'execution-began', 'storage-dependencies-finished', 'compute-dependencies-finished', or 'execution-finished'
occurred_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the event took place.


The mz_subscriptions table describes all active SUBSCRIBE operations in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the subscription.
session_id uint4 The ID of the session that runs the subscription. Corresponds to
cluster_id text The ID of the cluster on which the subscription is running. Corresponds to
created_at timestamp with time zone The time at which the subscription was created.
referenced_object_ids text list The IDs of objects referenced by the subscription. Corresponds to


The mz_webhook_sources table contains a row for each webhook source in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id text The ID of the webhook source. Corresponds to
name text The name of the webhook source.
url text The URL which can be used to send events to the source.

Replica introspection relations

This section lists the available replica introspection relations.

Introspection relations are maintained by independently collecting internal logging information within each of the replicas of a cluster. Thus, in a multi-replica cluster, queries to these relations need to be directed to a specific replica by issuing the command SET cluster_replica = <replica_name>. Note that once this command is issued, all subsequent SELECT queries, for introspection relations or not, will be directed to the targeted replica. Replica targeting can be cancelled by issuing the command RESET cluster_replica.

For each of the below introspection relations, there exists also a variant with a _per_worker name suffix. Per-worker relations expose the same data as their global counterparts, but have an extra worker_id column that splits the information by Timely Dataflow worker.


The mz_active_peeks view describes all read queries (“peeks”) that are pending in the dataflow layer.

Field Type Meaning
id uuid The ID of the peek request.
object_id text The ID of the collection the peek is targeting. Corresponds to,,, or
type text The type of the corresponding peek: index if targeting an index or temporary dataflow; persist for a source, materialized view, or table.
time mz_timestamp The timestamp the peek has requested.


The mz_arrangement_sharing view describes how many times each arrangement in the system is used.

Field Type Meaning
operator_id uint8 The ID of the operator that created the arrangement. Corresponds to
count bigint The number of operators that share the arrangement.


The mz_arrangement_sizes view describes the size of each arrangement in the system.

The size, capacity, and allocations are an approximation, which may underestimate the actual size in memory. Specifically, reductions can use more memory than we show here.

Field Type Meaning
operator_id uint8 The ID of the operator that created the arrangement. Corresponds to
records numeric The number of records in the arrangement.
batches numeric The number of batches in the arrangement.
size numeric The utilized size in bytes of the arrangement.
capacity numeric The capacity in bytes of the arrangement. Can be larger than the size.
allocations numeric The number of separate memory allocations backing the arrangement.


The mz_compute_error_counts view describes the counts of errors in objects exported by dataflows in the system.

Dataflow exports that don’t have any errors are not included in this view.

Field Type Meaning
export_id text The ID of the dataflow export. Corresponds to mz_compute_exports.export_id.
count numeric The count of errors present in this dataflow export.


The mz_compute_exports view describes the objects exported by dataflows in the system.

Field Type Meaning
export_id text The ID of the index, materialized view, or subscription exported by the dataflow. Corresponds to,, or mz_internal.mz_subscriptions.
dataflow_id uint8 The ID of the dataflow. Corresponds to


The mz_compute_frontiers view describes the frontier of each dataflow export in the system. The frontier describes the earliest timestamp at which the output of the dataflow may change; data prior to that timestamp is sealed.

Field Type Meaning
export_id text The ID of the dataflow export. Corresponds to mz_compute_exports.export_id.
time mz_timestamp The next timestamp at which the dataflow output may change.


The mz_compute_import_frontiers view describes the frontiers of each dataflow import in the system. The frontier describes the earliest timestamp at which the input into the dataflow may change; data prior to that timestamp is sealed.

Field Type Meaning
export_id text The ID of the dataflow export. Corresponds to mz_compute_exports.export_id.
import_id text The ID of the dataflow import. Corresponds to or or mz_compute_exports.export_id.
time mz_timestamp The next timestamp at which the dataflow input may change.


The mz_compute_operator_durations_histogram view describes a histogram of the duration in nanoseconds of each invocation for each dataflow operator.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator. Corresponds to
duration_ns uint8 The upper bound of the duration bucket in nanoseconds.
count numeric The (noncumulative) count of invocations in the bucket.


The mz_dataflows view describes the dataflows in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the dataflow.
name text The internal name of the dataflow.


The mz_dataflow_addresses view describes how the dataflow channels and operators in the system are nested into scopes.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the channel or operator. Corresponds to or
address bigint list A list of scope-local indexes indicating the path from the root to this channel or operator.


The mz_dataflow_arrangement_sizes view describes the size of arrangements per operators under each dataflow.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the dataflow. Corresponds to
name text The name of the dataflow.
records numeric The number of records in all arrangements in the dataflow.
batches numeric The number of batches in all arrangements in the dataflow.
size numeric The utilized size in bytes of the arrangements.
capacity numeric The capacity in bytes of the arrangements. Can be larger than the size.
allocations numeric The number of separate memory allocations backing the arrangements.


The mz_dataflow_channels view describes the communication channels between dataflow operators. A communication channel connects one of the outputs of a source operator to one of the inputs of a target operator.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the channel.
from_index uint8 The scope-local index of the source operator. Corresponds to mz_dataflow_addresses.address.
from_port uint8 The source operator’s output port.
to_index uint8 The scope-local index of the target operator. Corresponds to mz_dataflow_addresses.address.
to_port uint8 The target operator’s input port.


The mz_dataflow_channel_operators view associates dataflow channels with the operators that are their endpoints.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the channel. Corresponds to
from_operator_id uint8 The ID of the source of the channel. Corresponds to
from_operator_address [uint8 list] The address of the source of the channel. Corresponds to mz_dataflow_addresses.address.
to_operator_id uint8 The ID of the target of the channel. Corresponds to
to_operator_address [uint8 list] The address of the target of the channel. Corresponds to mz_dataflow_addresses.address.


The mz_dataflow_operators view describes the dataflow operators in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator.
name text The internal name of the operator.


The mz_dataflow_operator_dataflows view describes the dataflow to which each operator belongs.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator. Corresponds to
name text The internal name of the operator.
dataflow_id uint8 The ID of the dataflow hosting the operator. Corresponds to
dataflow_name text The internal name of the dataflow hosting the operator.


The mz_dataflow_operator_parents view describes how dataflow operators are nested into scopes, by relating operators to their parent operators.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator. Corresponds to
parent_id uint8 The ID of the operator’s parent operator. Corresponds to


The mz_dataflow_shutdown_durations_histogram view describes a histogram of the time in nanoseconds required to fully shut down dropped dataflows.

Field Type Meaning
duration_ns uint8 The upper bound of the bucket in nanoseconds.
count numeric The (noncumulative) count of dataflows in this bucket.


The mz_expected_group_size_advice view provides advice on opportunities to set query hints. Query hints are applicable to dataflows maintaining MIN, MAX, or Top K query patterns. The maintainance of these query patterns is implemented inside an operator scope, called a region, through a hierarchical scheme for either aggregation or Top K computations.

Field Type Meaning
dataflow_id uint8 The ID of the dataflow. Corresponds to
dataflow_name text The internal name of the dataflow hosting the min/max aggregation or Top K.
region_id uint8 The ID of the root operator scope. Corresponds to
region_name text The internal name of the root operator scope for the min/max aggregation or Top K.
levels bigint The number of levels in the hierarchical scheme implemented by the region.
to_cut bigint The number of levels that can be eliminated (cut) from the region’s hierarchy.
savings numeric A conservative estimate of the amount of memory in bytes to be saved by applying the hint.
hint double precision The hint value that will eliminate to_cut levels from the region’s hierarchy.


The mz_message_counts view describes the messages and message batches sent and received over the dataflow channels in the system. It distinguishes between individual records (sent, received) and batches of records (batch_sent, batch_sent).

Field Type Meaning
channel_id uint8 The ID of the channel. Corresponds to
sent numeric The number of messages sent.
received numeric The number of messages received.
batch_sent numeric The number of batches sent.
batch_received numeric The number of batches received.


The mz_peek_durations_histogram view describes a histogram of the duration in nanoseconds of read queries (“peeks”) in the dataflow layer.

Field Type Meaning
type text The peek variant: index or persist.
duration_ns uint8 The upper bound of the bucket in nanoseconds.
count numeric The (noncumulative) count of peeks in this bucket.


The mz_records_per_dataflow view describes the number of records in each dataflow.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the dataflow. Corresponds to
name text The internal name of the dataflow.
records numeric The number of records in the dataflow.
batches numeric The number of batches in the dataflow.
size numeric The utilized size in bytes of the arrangements.
capacity numeric The capacity in bytes of the arrangements. Can be larger than the size.
allocations numeric The number of separate memory allocations backing the arrangements.


The mz_records_per_dataflow_operator view describes the number of records in each dataflow operator in the system.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator. Corresponds to
name text The internal name of the operator.
dataflow_id uint8 The ID of the dataflow. Corresponds to
records numeric The number of records in the operator.
batches numeric The number of batches in the dataflow.
size numeric The utilized size in bytes of the arrangement.
capacity numeric The capacity in bytes of the arrangement. Can be larger than the size.
allocations numeric The number of separate memory allocations backing the arrangement.


The mz_scheduling_elapsed view describes the total amount of time spent in each dataflow operator.

Field Type Meaning
id uint8 The ID of the operator. Corresponds to
elapsed_ns numeric The total elapsed time spent in the operator in nanoseconds.


The mz_scheduling_parks_histogram view describes a histogram of dataflow worker park events. A park event occurs when a worker has no outstanding work.

Field Type Meaning
slept_for_ns uint8 The actual length of the park event in nanoseconds.
requested_ns uint8 The requested length of the park event in nanoseconds.
count numeric The (noncumulative) count of park events in this bucket.
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