Materialize v0.67


Sources and sinks

  • Support upserts in the output of SUBSCRIBE via the new ENVELOPE UPSERT clause. This clause allows you to specify a KEY that Materialize uses to interpret the rows as a series of inserts, updates and deletes within each distinct timestamp. The output rows will have the following structure:

     mz_timestamp | mz_state | key  | value
     100          | upsert   | 1    | 2
     100          | upsert   | 2    | 4


  • Add mz_internal.mz_compute_dependencies to the system catalog. This table describes the dependency structure between each compute object (index, materialized view, or subscription) and the sources of its data.

  • Improve the output of EXPLAIN { OPTIMIZED | PHYSICAL } PLAN FOR MATERIALIZED VIEW to return the plan generated at object creation time, rather than the plan that would be generated if the object was created with the current catalog state.

  • Add support for TABLE expressions, which retrieve all rows from the named SQL table.

Bug fixes and other improvements

  • Extend pg_catalog and information_schema system catalog coverage for compatibility with Power BI.

  • Increase in precision for the AVG, VAR_*, and STDDEV* functions.

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